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澳門公開賽自1998年創辦以來,吸引了諸多世界頂級球手參與。多年來,不少世界著名球星曾在此參賽,包括歷屆冠軍包括韋士活(Lee Westwood)、大滿貫得主艾爾斯(Ernie Els)、曾奪多個職業冠軍的謙蒙尼斯(Miguel-Angel Jimenez)以及中國名將梁文沖和兩屆盟主張連偉。這次賽事是自2017年後首次再列入亞巡賽的賽程中,今屆共有144位球手競逐高達100萬美元的獎金。
Touted as one of the most successful sporting events in Macao, the Macao Open has seen exponential growth since its inception in 1998. It has hosted some of the best players in the world, including Lee Westwood, Ernie Els, Thongchai Jaidee, Miguel Jimenez and Liang Wenchong. The USD1 million tournament will form part of the 2023 Asian Tour schedule and feature a field of 144 players.